
Gracious Hosts

For three games and counting, Notre Dame's most famous official cheerleader, the Leprechaun, still hasn't done his job and surrendered up any hints of their legendary lucky gold.

(Hint: Maybe he hid it in the end zone? You guys can find it by... oh... right... sorry. Nevermind. Maybe you should rename that library guy with something more reasonable... First Down Jesus?).

At any rate, the boys over at Blue-Grey Sky now have other angst to direct at what they amusingly call the "Office of Manufactured Cheer." Apparently the gracious hosts have decided to wave green and white towels when our Spartans pay a visit.

Really, guys, very touching and this does make us feel right at home in our favorite home away from home. But losing to us the last five times we've been down there to visit is hospitality enough. Turning your home crowd over to us this time is very appreciated (and understanable -- given the way Slappy Jabba has been treating you), but we really shouldn't accept.

But if you really want to make us feel at home, you could plant some of our flags after the game. When our buff mascot in the skirt and battle helmet gets done stomping on your little green man, he'll be happy to show you how to properly display them.

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